Local Author writes about the Law of Attraction
Author Mandy (Menahem) Lender, MD illustrates the key concepts of the Law of Attraction (LOA) in his book, The Vision of HabakkuK: The Law of Attraction in the Holy Bible. Among the so called “Minor Prophets” was the mystic Habakkuk, who was a major thinker of philosophical and theological concepts of faith.
According to Dr. Lender, many Biblical figures such as Moses, Solomon, Elijah, Jesus, and Paul acted, healed, and taught in alignment with the LOA, although they did not use the term “Law of Attraction.” The Books of Wisdom in the Hebrew Bible are replete with key concepts that in the whole constitute the LOA.
Dr. Lender calls Habakkuk’s prescription “The best practice of the LOA in the Bible.” He is convinced for many reasons that the LOA is important in attracting good health. The third chapter in The Vision of HabakkuK is a commentary explaining 4 verses that constitute the best practice of the LOA in the Bible.
As a member of Rise and Shine, a Toastmasters club for advanced speaking, it was Dr. Lender’s turn to give a speech. While preparing for the speech, it occurred to him that if the LOA is so insistent in our lives then it should have been part of the lives of the biblical figures, going back four millennia. Studying the Holy Bible, he found evidence and direct references to the LOA and its effects in the lives and teaching of many of the biblical heroes and prophets. After giving his speech, Dr. Lender realized there was enough information for a book. Since then, he has been reading and rereading and researching biblical commentaries and documenting the evidence for the presence of the LOA in the Bible.
Among Dr. Lender’s collection of bibles are a facsimile of a Gutenberg Bible in Latin, a facsimile of the Leningrad codex in Hebrew, and a quad-centennial facsimile edition of the 1611 printing in London of the KJV by Robert Barker and sons.
Originally from Israel, Dr. Lender (1970, Hebrew University, Jerusalem) is a physician and a Bible student enthusiast. He graduated from Rosary College, with an MBA degree, (1990, Brennan school of business, Dominican University, River Forest, IL). In 1976, Dr. Lender was invited for advanced training at the Department of Veteran’s Affairs in Chicago. A job promotion brought him to Saginaw in 1993 and he decided to stay after he retired. He volunteers his time and skills at a free clinic in Bay City, supporting patients without healthcare insurance who have nowhere else to turn for their infirmities.
Dr. Lender lives on a farm in Mid-Michigan with 5 boxer dogs, and sometimes in his house in suburban Chicago. For more information about the author and his book, The Vision of HabakkuK, visit his website at http://www.visionofhabakkuk.com/.